LARB Digital eDitions #45: Los Angeles

March 201656 pages

LARB Digital eDitions #45: Los Angeles

Once, while at a writers’ conference in San Antonio, Texas, I happened to meet a local artist who had some very strong opinions about Los Angeles. He complained about the traffic and the weather. (Yes, the weather.) “Plus,” he said, “everyone there is, like, so fake.” After some time, when I realized he was not going to waver from his opinion, I simply walked away and left him standing there, in mid-sentence.

San Antonio artists might not fully appreciate these pieces, I thought as I sat to write this, and I determined that this was, indeed, just fine. Each of the pieces gathered here resists an idea of a single, dominant narrative about Los Angeles. Each of the pieces reveals the ways in which contact and conflict have given rise to innovation, creativity, and resilience.

Ask anyone outside of Los Angeles for the quintessential “LA story,” and they almost always have one that usually involves shallow people, plastic surgeries, and Sig Alerts. Ask anyone from Los Angeles for the quintessential “LA story,” and they’re stumped. These pieces here prove why.

– Alex Espinoza